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Hi! Would you like to activate your version of Revolution Slider to receive live updates & get premium support? This is optional and not needed if the slider came bundled with a theme.

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What's new in Duplicate Post version 3.2.2:
Simple compatibility with Gutenberg user interface: enable "Admin bar" under the Settings — "Slug" option unset by default on new installations
Check out the documentation — Please review the settings to make sure it works as you expect.
Serving the WordPress community since November 2007. Help me develop the plugin and provide support by donating even a small sum.

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Status: Draft Edit status
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Visibility: Public Edit visibility

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Post Formats


+ Add New Category


Separate tags with commas

    Featured Image


    Here you can replace the default sidebars. Simply select what sidebar you want to show for this post!

    Post Options

    Featured Slider Post?
    Post Layout
    Layout Style
    Category Label Overlay

    When you have multiple categories for a post, auto detection chooses one in alphabetical order. These labels are shown above image in category listings.

    Multi-page Content Slideshow?

    You can use <!--nextpage--> to split a page into multi-page content slideshow.


    Enable Review?
    Display Position
    Show Rating As
    Heading (optional)
    Verdict Summary

    Overall rating auto-calculated:

    Criterion — Label: Rating: / 10


    Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts.

    Send Trackbacks

    Separate multiple URLs with spaces

    Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you’ve linked to them. If you link other WordPress sites, they’ll be notified automatically using pingbacks, no other action necessary.

    Custom Fields

    Add New Custom Field:

    Enter new

    Custom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can use in your theme.




    Revolution Slider Options

    • Choose Slide Template

    Layered Popups Events Settings

    OnLoad Settings

    Popup or A/B Campaign: For desktops:

    For mobile devices:

    Select popup to be displayed on page load.
    Display mode: Disable popup
    Every time
    Once per session
    Once per days
    Only once
    Default Mode (taken from Settings page)
    Select the popup display mode.
    Start delay: seconds
    Popup appears with this delay after page loaded. Set "0" for immediate start. Value is ignored for "Default" popup.
    Autoclose delay: seconds
    Popup is automatically closed after this period of time. Set "0", if you do not need autoclosing. Value is ignored for "Default" popup.

    OnScroll Settings

    Popup or A/B Campaign: For desktops:

    For mobile devices:

    Select the popup to be displayed on scrolling the page.
    Display mode: Disable popup
    Every time
    Once per session
    Once per days
    Only once
    Default Mode (taken from Settings page)
    Select the popup display mode.
    Scrolling offset:
    Popup appears when user scroll down to this number of pixels or percents.

    OnExit Settings

    Popup or A/B Campaign: For desktops:

    For mobile devices:

    Select the popup to be displayed on exit intent.
    Display mode: Disable popup
    Every time
    Once per session
    Once per days
    Only once
    Default Mode (taken from Settings page)
    Select the popup display mode.

    OnInactivity Settings

    Popup or A/B Campaign: For desktops:

    For mobile devices:

    Select the popup to be displayed on user inactivity.
    Display mode: Disable popup
    Every time
    Once per session
    Once per days
    Only once
    Default Mode (taken from Settings page)
    Select the popup display mode.
    Period of inactivity: seconds
    The popup appears after this period of inactivity.

    OnAdBlockDetected Settings Beta

    Popup or A/B Campaign: For desktops:

    For mobile devices:

    Select the popup to be displayed AdBlock detected.
    Display mode: Disable popup
    Every time
    Once per session
    Once per days
    Only once
    Default Mode (taken from Settings page)
    Select the popup display mode.